Monday, April 20, 2020

Classroom Activities For Resume Writing

Classroom Activities For Resume WritingIn the internet nowadays, students and professionals alike are encountering a lot of benefits of classroom activities for resume writing. One of the reasons is that these activities were designed to improve skills of people in the field. They can also help in boosting the confidence of candidates, especially if they are working at a stressful job in a fast paced environment.With resume writing, students need to perform in front of others and undergo various activities. These could include performance tests and mock interviews. Apart from being a part of the other skills, it can also enhance the applicant's life experience and skill set. It can also help in meeting the requirements of the companies in that it helps in answering the most challenging questions in a professional way.Students would benefit from taking a small initiative to practice and gain a great deal in the process of resume writing. You can go to the office of an employment agenc y or a school to find out about it. There are some activities like mock interviews that help in building the confidence of candidates in front of others. It helps in putting forward their best skills and expertise to work with them.Another advantage can be that this activity can develop your creativity and can allow you to practice with the use of different techniques and strategies. This can be the easiest way to see what the industry expects from you. While it can help you in improving your skills and experience, you may also come across some challenges that can be tough.It is important that you can face with these challenges and can cope with them without losing your confidence. Some of the challenges that come up in your process of writing resume can be difficult and challenging, but if you can handle it and make it as one of your main goals in your endeavor to apply for a job, then it can be your guarantee of finding a job and therefore, the right job for you. To do this, it is essential that you can deal with it in a professional manner and prove to the company that you are a good and reliable person.Students and other professionals can take a variety of approaches in learning how to write a resume. One of the ways is to try out activities that involve reading, listening and interacting with the lecturer and the classmates. This allows students to learn how to think critically and analyze information. This is also known as critical thinking.With classroom activities for resume writing, students can use their skills and creativity to make the resume standout. Besides, it can help them in enhancing their resumes and make them more readable.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

13 Reasons to Quit Your Job

13 Reasons to Quit Your Job How many times have you rehearsed that “I quit” speech in your head? How often do you stare out of the window, wishing you were in a different job, or pursuing a more interesting career? So many of us want to be in a job that really fulfills us, but so few of us dare to make that leap. Well, if you are looking for a reason to quit, here are 13 that should fire you up. 1. There’s a Better Job Out There The grass is always greener, right? This is often a justification to stay in your current position, because things could always get worse. But things could also get a whole lot better, and the chances of you currently being in the best job you’ll ever have are slim. It’s easy to become complacent and accept that this is the job for you, but there are other jobs out there with your name on them. Amazing jobs, and careers, that will make you look back on the one you have now and wonder why it took you years to move on. Of course, you won’t know unless you look, so start checking out what’s available. 2. You’re Doing More Work for Less Money When a company starts asking you to take on extra responsibilities, for the same money (or even less), then you may want to consider looking into another job. It’s always good to take on extra work if it means you grow and learn new skills, but it should be rewarded. If the company is dangling a possible promotion in front of you, do whatever you can to find out it’s a real offer. Some people work 60+ hour weeks for years on the promise of a promotion that will never come. Read More: The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most 3. Your Job Is Literally Killing You Stress is considered one of the biggest killers of modern times. It weakens our immune system, leads to higher blood pressure, and can be the cause of a lot of heart problems. It can also lead to substance abuse and marital troubles, and can break up friendships. If the job you are in right now is causing you so much stress that life is becoming hard to take, you need to find another job, or a different career. It’s just not worth the risk. 4. You’re Starting Your Own Business What better reason is there to quit your job than to become your own boss? We’ve all dreamt of that freedom, the flexible hours, the satisfaction of creating something successful. But, so few of us do it because it’s a risk. Quitting a corporate job, or one with steady hours and health benefits, in favor of going it alone â€" well that’s tough. What if you fail? What if no one buys your product or service? What if you quit a good job only to be out of work soon after? That “what if” game can be paralyzing, but think of it the other way. What if you’re laid off next week? What if your business could be the next Google, or Pixar? What if you are holding on to something safe for something that could be amazing? Think about it. Close Modal DialogThis is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. 5. You’re Not Wanted Your opinion used to be valuable. Now, it’s not required, or it’s straight-up ignored. You used to be at important meetings. Not so any more. You used to travel to different locations, and meet with clients. Now you’re permanently stuck behind your desk. All of these are signs that you are being overlooked. Or worse, the company is getting ready to let you go. If you feel like you are no longer wanted, you should move to a place that really does want you. Read More: 10 Important Signs That Your Job Sucks 6. Your Company Is in Trouble It could be financial trouble. It could be legal trouble. It could be a corporate takeover, or a merger that will result in massive layoffs. You should have a good feel for this, and if you sense danger, it may be time to pull the plug and move on, before you’re caught in the crossfire. You certainly don’t want to be in a situation where your 401K or severance package disappears. 7. You’re Phoning It In If you are on autopilot, doing just enough to keep your job, or are giving the minimum amount of effort, you need to move on. First, it’s possible that your lack of effort could actually be dangerous, especially if you’re working in a field that requires maximum concentration. Your apathy could also put others in danger â€" imagine a doctor who doesn’t pay attention. But even in an office job, phoning it in is a big sign that you are in the wrong position. 8. Other Locations Are Calling Your Name It’s scary to move to a different city, or state. And another country, well, that’s a mighty big leap. But what a leap! There is so much of the world to see, and every country has different opportunities, and new people waiting to meet you. Realistically, is it more likely that the place you’re currently in is the pinnacle of existence? Or is it more likely that you’re settled, and moving would be a lot of stress and headaches? Start thinking about those places you always wanted to see when you were a kid. Can you do the job you’re doing now in one of those places? Can you move there? A completely different, and exciting life is waiting for you in another part of the world. 9. You’re Going Nowhere In any career, whether it’s in a corporate office, or under the hood of a car, you want to go places. Not literally â€" although travel is a great perk â€" but you should be learning, growing, and being promoted. When your job stops giving you those opportunities for growth, you have to assess the situation. How long has it been since you learned something new? Do you think you’ll ever get a promotion again? Are you simply treading water? If you are going nowhere, you need to find a job that will give you those opportunities again. Read More: 6 Questions to Ask Before You Quit Your Job 10. You Just Hate It If you dislike certain aspects of your job, but overall it’s still a good position, well, you just have to suck it up. Very few jobs are perfect. However, if you dread going to work every morning, and every waking hour at your company is a living hell for you, then you have to quit. Life is too short to spend 40 hours of every week being miserable. What else can you do? Where can you go? Is a career change possible? You may feel trapped, but there are always options. 11. You’re Done With Office Politics The gossip. The rumors. The back-stabbing. Having to play favorites. If it’s all getting too much for you â€" and let’s face it, it shouldn’t even exist â€" then you should start looking for a new place to work. However, before you move to another place, do some digging. Ask around. Look at reviews on a website like Glassdoor. The last thing you want to do is make a move only to find the office politics even worse at your new job. 12. You’re Ready for a New Challenge It’s not that you dislike the job you’re in. It’s not even that you’re unhappy with the pay, the people, or the work. It’s just that what you’re doing is no longer challenging you. You can do this job, and do it well, but you feel the need to dive into something that will really push you. Something that will often get your pulse racing, or make you experience that “can I really do this?” feeling. Well, yes, you can. If you push yourself. And think of the satisfaction you’ll get from that. 13. You Just Won the Lottery Hey, weirder things have happened.

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Mouth-Watering Treats To Bring To The Holiday Office Party - Work It Daily

5 Mouth-Watering Treats To Bring To The Holiday Office Party - Work It Daily Searching for ways to amaze your co-workers with delicious party food ideas that won't take hours to prepare or break your budget? We've got you covered! Here are five holiday-themed dishes that can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes and will be sure to impress. 1. Chocolate Covered Pretzels Temper your chocolate, dip your pretzel sticks, and have fun with your toppings! Not only will these treats satisfy any sweet tooth, they're also super simple to create and require minimal preparation. They can also be customized with a variety of candy toppings including a drizzle of white chocolate, mini Christmas trees, or red and green sprinkles for a stylish holiday treat. 2. Cheese Christmas Crackers You only need three items for this recipeâ€"your choice of cheese, crackers, and meat. Chances are you may already have holiday-themed cookie cutters and if not, they're pretty inexpensive and easy to find. You can cut your cheese and meat into a variety of shapes including snowflakes, trees, stars, ornaments, or candy canes.Since most people enjoy cheese and cracker platters, it's understandable why these snacks have become a staple appetizer at most social gatherings. Now with your fresh holiday take on this classic platter, you'll be sure to wow others with your lovable presentation. 3. Fruit Kabobs With Cream Cheese Dip Sometimes you need to bring a healthier and lighter option, which is why fruit kabobs are sure to be a crowd-pleasing treat. The best partâ€"they only take 15 minutes to make! You only need four ingredients: cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, almond extract, and sour cream. You'll beat the ingredients together until smooth and refrigerate until serving. Grab a few wooden skewers and pop on the fruits and you're good to go. You can get creative by choosing fruits with holiday colors like red strawberries, cranberries, or cherries, and green grapes or honey dew. If you're feeling extra cheerful, you can also use a cookie cutter to shape your fruit into trees or stars to up your holiday glam factor. 4. Santa Hat Cheesecake Bites This one is pretty simple. Translation: anyone at any culinary level can master this delight in just a few minutes.Buy a store-bought cheesecake and, using a cookie cutter, cut small circles into the cheesecake. In a piping bag, swirl some whipped cream on top, add in a strawberry with the top cut (to resemble a hat) and another dollop of whipped cream on top. Voila! How ridiculously cute and simple are these treats? They also require absolutely no cooking so it's a wonderful recipe to use when you're on a time crunch. 5. Persian Cucumber Bites With Lox Dill Cream Cheese This is a great way to squeeze in a veggie serving without killing the sweet holiday vibe. It's also gluten-free and takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Since it's a healthy alternative for those wanting to skip out on sweets, it's sure to be loved at holiday events. You can also opt out of the salmon if you want to make this a vegetarian option as well. See the full recipe here. We here at Work It Daily love food just as much as you do. What we love even more is seeing go-getters succeed in their careers. Do you have any limiting beliefs or resources stopping you from embarking on your unique career path? We'd love to meet you! What will YOUR next career treat be? From Your Site Articles 4 Ways To Beat The Holiday Slump At Work - Work It Daily | Where ... 5 Office Holiday Party Ideas Everyone Will Enjoy - Work It Daily ... How To Throw An Amazing Office Holiday Party - Work It Daily ... Related Articles Around the Web 33 Delicious No-Cook Dishes To Bring To A Holiday Party The 9 Best Treats to Bring to a Holiday Party | Food Wine Easy and Elegant Holiday Appetizer Recipes | Holiday Recipes ... Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!